Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bread! Again!

More no-knead bread, this one forgotten for a day, as I was rising it in the oven. (Put the over light on and it becomes a warm place to rise dough) Remembered it this morning, when I saw the initial dough shots in iPhoto. 

Thank heavens I photographed it or it'd probably have rotted in there until I cooked again. Don't know what I would have done to not waste rotting dough!

Anyway, it's now resting for the second and final rise of about two hours, although I usually find I need to raise it for longer. I think my flour's old - I used to buy larger bags but am switching to smaller, more frequent purchases to see if it'll make a difference in flavour and reactivity.

Mercury must be retrograde today as my images are acting up - even in photoshop they were misbehaving. And the captions aren't working, so here's what you're looking at: first picture is the just-assembled flour, yeast and water. 

The other two shots are the dough after 36+ hours rising in the oven, which by the way didn't seem to produce any ill effects. I'm wondering if it'll be more sourdough-y in flavour, although I can't imagine it would have picked up any wild airborne yeasts while sitting covered in a closed oven. 

Hopefully I'll remember to bake it, and will update the shots then.