
I just love food and I want you to, too. I want everyone to understand how easy (and cheap!) it is to eat well.

I'm no chef, and you don't have to be one either. Food is easy—pay attention to what you buy, and grow what you can. Take the time to combine fresh, simple flavours.

Start by noticing how well your body digests different foods, and how much you eat. Listen to your body. If your body doesn't like a food, stay away from it.

Eat simply and remove emotional eating from your repertoire (it's a choice). You'll miss those doritos for a week or two, then be unable to believe you actually put that crap in your body. (And bathroom time will smell a heck of a lot better.)

When you eat well, you eat less because the body is sated. When you eat real food that has flavour and texture (as opposed to the bland mushiness of many prepared foods) your mind is also sated and will send the "full-stop eating" signal to your belly.

Best of all, you'll have more energy, your hair and skin will look better and maintaining a healthy weight will be much easier. And you can chuck all the money you save (on junk food, digestive aids, weight loss programs, makeup, medicines, and energy drinks) into your vacation fund!

Kitchen Rules
  • Pay attention to your food.
  • Play with your food.
  • Enjoy each meal like it's your last.
  • Honor the plant animal or artisan who made your food.
  • Honor your body.
  • Never eat bad chocolate.
  • Eat dessert first. 
  • And enjoy life!