
Hi. I'm a busy woman with a family (redundant, I know) who spends a lot of time thinking about my belly and what goes into it. Simple, honest, flavorful is my mantra. My training is through the tongue, meaning I learn by cooking and eating. It's all about the experience: do I enjoy buying the ingredients and creating the meal? Does what I eat sate me physically and emotionally? How do I feel after eating—how digestible is what I'm eating?

I've been eating solid food for over forty-six years now. My diet has ranged from 2:30am microwaved burritos from the 7-11, to food prepared just for me by renowned chefs, and everything in between.

My parents were of a generation that doesn't waste. My mom grew up in post-WW2 Britain with food rationing, making her almost incapable of wasting food. She still saves all her veg cuttings and peels in the freezer for stock. She instilled in me a respect for and appreciation of food: the luxury of cream; the joy of fresh vegetables. A new potato with a touch of butter or olive oil; the crunchiness of just-washed iceberg. Fresh-picked tomatoes, warm from the sun. These are the joys of life.

Of course as their child I was horrified; my friends' parents bought tv dinners, McDonald's and Coke, and I wanted to be just like them. Slumping over to hide my humiliating lunch of artisanal cheese on homemade bread, I longed for baloney on Wonder Bread. In my teens and as soon as I moved out, I lived on canned potatoes and popcorn and smoked like a fiend. (That was the microwaved burrito phase.) I started to eat better as I aged, and learned how to cook from boyfriends, almost all of whom are or were serious about food.

I've learned how EASY AND  INEXPENSIVE it is to eat well. How great you feel when you do. Fresh food, lots of water and sufficient sleep will change your life and save you money. I have recognized my own passion and want to share my philosophy of simple, fresh and homemade.