Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vietnamese Tofu Curry with Couscous, fresh fruit and 'chutney'

Rats. I can't believe I didn't photograph it. It was good - a little unorthodox but highly successful.

We got home later than usual and really hungry. Threw a curry together then simmered it for about 20 minutes while I cut cantaloupe into largish cubes, and served it in a bowl with little spears for stabbing and grabbing. I also served up the peach and pear butter I'd made earlier in the day.

The curry paste was called Vietnamese Chicken Curry. I replaced chicken with tofu. The tofu is another sample from my friend. It's Superior brand, Tofu Soy Protein Naked Ground. I don't know what naked ground is but I kept my clothes on during the prep. bwa ha ha.

Added a can of coconut milk, one japanese eggplant, and half a yellow zucchini, which for some reason I thought was squash when I grabbed it. (Tired I guess - I was teaching today which always takes it out of me.) So it was a little heavy on the eggplant/zucchini front and would have benefitted from the addition of a sweet potato or squash; something hairy that would hold a lot of sauce and retain its own flavor. I also threw in carrots leftover from saturday night's roast.

When the curry was cooked, I let it cool while making couscous.

That was our meal - tofu curry over couscous with cantaloupe cubes and faux-chutney.

The curry was good. My youngest kid pronounced it 'very hot' but ate a lot. The older found it fairly mild and ate a lot. Being able to manage the heat with bland and sweet really helps the kids make the meal work for everybody.

I really like the mix of hot, sweet, bland, juicy, dry, fruit, carb, protein, spice.

I'd like to try that curry in a slow cooker which would give the tofu enough time to absorb all the flavours.