Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nectarine, apple, pear and plum butter

Mmm smells delish. It's cooking now - will be cooled for breakfast tomorrow, may be nice on pancakes, waffles, or the new bread. We could also make french toast from the bread - dare I leave it uncovered tonight so it can develop a staleness?

[update] Well I don't think the bread will get a chance - the fruit butter is almost gone. The kids are eating it with 'whippies' (whipped cream). So yeah, the whips has sugar but other than that, how healthy this is! But it eats like a treat. I think eating with enjoyment adds to the nutritional value of food. If you were a kid, what better way to spend a rainy sunday morning than hanging upside down on the sofa, watching kid tv shows, and eating what feels like indulgence.

I'm not into tricking my kids into eating good food. I don't think kids need that and it doesn't benefit them. Teach them instead how to make food taste delicious. Teach them to love food and to love themselves enough to want to put nourishing things in their body. If you love food and treat it like a sacred substance sustaining your physical, emotional and spiritual life, then you will always eat well.