Monday, May 12, 2014

10 Rules of Food and Eating

I haven't written a food and eating manifesto in a while, so here are my theories, politics and gut feelings about food and eating:
  1. Love yourself enough to eat well. 
  2. Food is not chemistry: eat a moderate, balanced diet of real foods.
  3. Drink more water. Eat more fruit.
  4. Buy ingredients, not packaged food. 
  5. You don't have to be a great cook to make good meals.
  6. Making good meals doesn't have to take tons of time.
  7. How you eat influences your health and emotional wellbeing.
  8. Eat from hunger, not boredom, anger, joy, loneliness, sadness or tiredness.
  9. Love yourself to get enough sleep (most of us need 8 hours). 
  10. If you eat junk, fast, or snack "foods," or drink pop or energy drinks, don't be surprised to look and be unhealthy.
You're probably thinking Wait a minute, #9 isn't food-related, but it really is: not getting enough sleep can affect your nutrition in 5 ways:
  1. You drink energy drinks (which are terrible for you), or too much coffee, in a bid to get and stay awake. 
  2. Lack of sleep makes you more likely to get sick with colds and flu. Many people take over-the-counter meds so they can go to work. Those meds are not natural or good for your body.
  3. When you're tired, you're likely to eat sugary carbs for a 2pm pick-me-up, and overeat in the evening.
  4. Lack of sleep can cause depression, which is often a trigger for emotional eating.
  5. Chronic tiredness makes you less likely to have the energy to shop for, and cook, real food.