Monday, August 16, 2010

Squash Soup & croutons with white wine

Wine is Quail's Gate Riesling 2009. I have given up reds for the most part, as my body requested - terrible allergic-seeming reactions - and am enjoying exploring whites without prejudice. I hear (the internet told me so) that experts blindfolded, preferred under 7$US wines to over 20$ wines. And since I am no expert, I can admit what I truly like ;)

Croutons are old loaf of black olive/cheese bread; leftovers stored in the freezer after it starts to go stale. There is always a moment when you realise something's not going to get eaten as it is, so often I chuck it in the freezer. Sour milk, stale bread, corn cut off the cob, bagels.

There's a dollop of sour cream in the squash soup, but it sunk. The garnish is chopped fresh basil.